


Eight Mile Plains State School has a proud tradition of 150 years of providing education for the youth of our community. It is a school whose aim is excellence. A school that strives to attain excellence in all aspects of academic, sporting and social achievement.

Over the past 150 years there have been four schools on three different locations in the Eight Mile Plains District.

The first Eight Mile Plains School, situated in Mrs Baker's paddock located between Levington Road and the Glen Hotel, was opened as a provisional school on 7th June, 1869. In the building, originally meant for a church, was accommodation for 30 pupils. Attendance was normally far less. Children used the earth closet in Mrs Baker's yard and obtained their drinking water from her tank.

In its early years, school sport was limited because of the school's size and the lack of public transport. Through the seventies and eighties, during which time Eight Mile Plains had its highest population, the students achieved some remarkable individual and team results on the sporting fields. In a rural atmosphere, keen students and dedicated teachers combined to achieve these high standards. Apart from winning zone and metropolitan championships in team sports such as rugby league and netball, individual students also represented Queensland. In later life, some have represented their country.

Last reviewed 31 August 2020
Last updated 31 August 2020