


School Chaplain

Chaplaincy services provide emotional, ethical, and personal support to school communities. SU Chaplaincy provides positive adult role models for students. Chaplains also provide pastoral care for students, staff, and families within the school community. Chaplains are present in schools at the invitation of the Principal, and in consultation with the local community and with the support of the Parents and Citizens Association.

What does a School Chaplain do?

A school Chaplain is a safe person for young people to connect with at school and provides a listening ear, caring presence, and a message of hope. Chaplains run positive, fun activities for students and assist in fostering supportive, caring school communities. We also run a Breakfast Club on Wednesday and Thursday mornings.

Working with other members of the school’s support team, the Chaplain cares for students struggling with issues such as difficult relationships with other children or family members, poor self-esteem, family breakdown, depression, and grief at the passing of a loved one.

The partnership between the school and the chaplaincy service, supported by local churches, businesses, and community organisations, provide a network of local support and assistance. These positive relationships help young people to face difficult issues and provide hope, connection, meaning and purpose.

The Chaplaincy service is available to everyone in the school community regardless of their religious beliefs.

Who is the Eight Mile Plains State School Chaplain?

My name is Sonia and I am the Chaplain at Eight Mile Plains State School since Term 4 of 2023. I have previously worked in schools as a Supply Teacher for about 18yrs. I am married to Graham, my amazing husband for the past 34 years and have lived in Brisbane all my life. We have four adult children and love getting together to celebrate pretty much anything. I enjoy bushwalking, playing piano and guitar, and singing silly songs with children. I also love reading books, especially children’s picture books.

How can you contact the Chaplain?

Chappy Sonia, is available at school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and every second Thursday. Volunteers are always welcome for Breaky Club!

To make an appointment to see Chappy Sonia, you can contact her by calling the school office, or emailing her on

Will my child be involved?

Involvement with the Chaplain is entirely voluntary and students choose whether they want to be a part of the activities that are offered. Parents will be consulted if their child wishes to be involved in ongoing one-to-one meetings with the Chaplain or in any program or group involving spiritual or ethical content. Parents have the right to refuse permission for their child to be involved in any Chaplaincy activity or event.

Last reviewed 27 February 2024
Last updated 27 February 2024